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One Leg Sex

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one leg sex


The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the responsiveness of the 1-leg hop test and the square hop (SH) test to fatiguing intermittent aerobic work and during recovery. A further aim was to study sex differences in trends. Members of 4 sub-elite-level soccer teams were invited to participate. Ten men (mean SD) aged 20.7 3.4 years and 10 women aged 21.8 4.8 years accepted to participate in the test. The Yo-Yo intermittent Endurance test Level 2, was used as a standardized sport-specific fatiguing protocol. The 1-leg hop test and the SH test were performed before, immediately after, 15, and 30 minutes after the fatiguing exercise. To quantify the level and progression of fatigue and recovery, blood lactate and heart rate were measured, and general fatigue was estimated on Borg's rating of perceived exertion scale. No significant difference in performance in either of the hop tests was found immediately after intermittent aerobic fatiguing work. Performance in the 1-leg hop test significantly decreased (p = 0.002), whereas that in the SH test increased (p = 0.001) between baseline and 15-30 minutes after fatiguing work. No significant difference in trends between sexes was found. The performance in the 1-leg hop test significantly decreased during 30 minutes of recovery compared with that in the nonfatigued conditions and might therefore be used on the field as a complement to other physical parameters to detect remaining fatigue. Note that the 1-leg hop test did not immediately respond to intermittent aerobic work. It is not recommended to use the SH test for measuring fatigue and subsequent recovery because the performance constantly increased despite the present objective and subjective fatigue.

It is unlawful to possess a deer or pronghorn with proof of sex removed unless the deer or pronghorn has reached the final destination other than a Type 1 cold storage or processing facility and has been at least quartered. Proof of sex includes one of the following:

It is unlawful to remove the proof of sex of deer or pronghorn at a Type 1 commercial processor until the carcass has been entered into the cold storage logbook and the county and ranch of harvest has been recorded by the cold storage facility.

It is unlawful to possess a pheasant (where applicable) with proof of sex removed. The following is considered proof of sex and must accompany the pheasant or turkey until it reaches its final destination and is finally processed:

Graphs displaying the amount of repetitions completed by all participants from each group as cumulative percentages clearly demonstrating the difference in distribution between groups. A) the non-injured leg of ACLR and ACLPT and the dominant leg of CTRL, and B) the injured leg of ACLR and ACLPT and the non-dominant leg of CTRL

Comparisons of normalised time (%) and total time (sec) of completion for each phase of the One-leg-rise test for all groups and both legs. Values are group medians (Quartile 1, Quartile 3) related to between-group comparisons. Between-leg comparisons within groups were based on differences between legs of each individual

Mean knee abduction/adduction angles () for all groups throughout the Rise and Down phases of the One-leg rise for both legs for up to 10 repetitions per participant. The shaded area represents the standard deviation for the control group. Positive angles indicate knee adduction and negative angles indicate knee abduction. Time has been normalised and is provided in percent

Between-group comparisons based on group medians (Quartile 1, Quartile 3) for knee abduction maximum, knee adduction maximum, knee abduction/adduction range, and knee movement units in the frontal plane during the Rise and Down phases of the One-leg rise. P-values (p) and effect sizes (r) are provided for all significant results

Abbreviations: ICC Intraclass correlation coefficient, CI 95% confidence intervals, SEM Standard error of measurement, abd Abduction, add Adduction, max Maximum, Inj ACL-injured leg, ND CTRL non-dominant leg, NI ACL non-injured leg, Dom CTRL dominant leg, MU Movement units

CKH and ET conceived and designed the study. CKH procured the financing for the study. ET participated in the data acquisition. AS, ET, DS and CKH interpreted the data. AS performed the analysis and drafted the manuscript. AS, ET, DS and CKH performed critical in-depth reviews of the manuscript for intellectual content. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Results: At initial contact, women landed in knee valgus and men landed in knee varus (P .025).

Subjects landed on a force platform (model OR 6-7; Advanced Medical Technology, Inc, Watertown, MA), which was located in the middle of the capture volume for the cameras and used to collect ground reaction force data. Ground reaction force data were collected at 1080 Hz and were synchronized with the Vicon system for simultaneous collection. Force-plate data were filtered using a low-pass, anti-aliasing filter with a cutoff frequency of 1000 Hz.

Surface GM electromyography (EMG) was collected using the MA-300-16 system (Motion Lab Systems, Inc, Baton Rouge, LA) interfaced with the Vicon system for recording. Signals were pre-amplified with double differential EMG electrodes (Motion Lab Systems, Inc) and collected at 1080 Hz. The input impedance of the amplifier was >100 megaohms, with a common mode rejection ratio of >100 dB and a signal-to-noise ratio of 50 dB.

A single-leg landing involving forceful valgus with the knee close to extension has been identified as a common mechanism of ACL injury.67 Our findings demonstrate that during a single-leg landing, women displayed greater valgus knee angles than men. Similar evidence has been presented by Hewett et al912 when subjects performed a double-leg drop jump. Women landed with larger maximal valgus knee angles and exhibited higher peak adduction loads12 at the knee joint complex than their male counterparts. Because increasing valgus positioning by 5 from a neutral alignment can increase the load on the ACL by 6 times,21 the finding that women land with greater knee valgus than men may help to uncover one of the underlying factors contributing to the sex disparity in ACL injuries.

The landing technique employed by an athlete is critical, as it dictates how forces are distributed. Landing with greater knee valgus supports the notion that women may adopt a ligament-dominant strategy, relying on passive structures to resist and absorb ground reaction forces and promoting ligament failure.9 Injury prevention programs focusing on dynamic control of knee motion in the sagittal plane and reduction of frontal-plane movement and torques may help to prevent ACL injury. Sportsmetrics, a plyometric training program, has been shown to effectively reduce varus and valgus torques and, thus, may be effective in diminishing the incidence of ACL injury.22 Further understanding of how much frontal-plane motion in vivo is hazardous and whether valgus knee angle can predict ACL injury would be of value in order to better understand its importance in ultimately causing ACL failure.

No difference in GM muscle activation was observed between men and women. The GM is a primary hip abductor and is critical to pelvic stabilization; its dysfunction is felt to be associated with dynamic lower extremity malalignment (including knee valgus) during a single-leg stance.23 Gluteus medius activation is altered in patients with ankle injury,2425 suggesting that proximal lower extremity musculature may play a role in more distal lower extremity joint injury. Furthermore, strengthening of the hip musculature in patients with patellofemoral pain and exhibiting excessive knee valgus, hip adduction, and hip internal rotation returned kinematics to normal.26 We hypothesized that women would display less GM activation than men, preventing adequate pelvic stabilization during the landing task, promoting dynamic malalignment, and increasing the degree of knee valgus. Our data fail to support this hypothesis, suggesting that the GM musculature is not responsible for the observed difference in valgus knee angle. It may be that musculature directly acting on the knee joint complex (ie, quadriceps and hamstrings) is more important in limiting knee valgus, or it could be that the time of GM activation is of greater importance than the level of activation. It should be noted that women displayed lower levels of GM activation than men when performing a forward-jump maneuver.27 Further research is necessary to understand whether the GM is of significance in controlling frontal-plane knee motion.

The butterfly is a very easy and versatile sex position that is comfortable for both partners. Many similar positions with slight differences are known by different names. Partners can try slight adjustments to see which options are most enjoyable for both. Below are several variations to this popular position.

As with all aspects of sexual intercourse, communication between partners is essential. Make sure you both know what the position is and that you both feel comfortable. Sex is about playfulness, says Dr. David Yarian, Ph.D., licensed psychologist and certified sex therapist, in Oprah Magazine. He suggests limiting your expectations for what you want to achieve and focusing on pleasure and playfulness instead. 041b061a72


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